Sunday, September 17, 2006

Funny vignettes

A bar from a song..."you and I collide" metaphorically has become the summary of what this week has been as I have collided with myself in various forms.
The throb and/or ache in my left foot reminds me of feeling. Healing? I hope so. Strange vignettes 'collided' last night, made up of snippets through out the week. From men on the phone at work that sounded like the beaver character from the old Pooh cartoons with the whistling s's, a vase at the front desk at work contained what was obviously snips of shrubbery (Monty Python) and last night I caught on the Comedy Channel the comedian who does Jose Jalepeno on a Steeek, MJ, Terri and I saw him in Boston in 1998. I laughed just as hard as I did then, and I felt my friends beside me as we were then even though I was alone in my apartment.
Man a lot of time has passed between then and now and it seems like yesterday. Marriages, births and deaths have all occured in our close knit group and yesterday our 'mystery weekend' escape consisted of cooking school at the Blue Bamboo. It was GREAT. I wonder if that will become part of the future flow of funny vignettes, who know's maybe Paula's Dean's is next...

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