Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The middle of...

November, already! Seems all I want to do when I get out of work is come home and either stick my nose in a book or go to sleep early. It's been really nice in the afternoons, though the days are shortened. I go to work in twilight, and come home in the dusk. Pretty sunsets, though the nights are getting longer and all those unspoken words in between.

I got an art table from someone who is leaving so that is set up and is being used - at least it's holding my art supplies - well not the sketchbooks or watercolor paper, except for what is currently being worked on but it's being used for the purpose of it's intention.

Zak will be here in one month! I can't wait. Beyond that I'm contemplating a new year move - back to a dorm room. Various reasons are inspiring me, at least I won't have to live with anyone due to my status. Right now it's just a seed, we shall see what January brings.

In the meantime, (there's that word again)I've got Christmas presents to think of, a visit with Zak and going back with him to Las Vegas to see him off, and/or getting there to pick him up. (he's getting the car but it would be nice to go visit a few places while I can.) and I'm waiting for my hair to grow back in. I do want to see how long I can get it again; this time sans fake color.

Of course I still gaze at my glorious back yard, avoid the elk and deer - especially when wearing my leather or suede coat. They don't seem to like those.

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