Sunday, May 11, 2008


It's the scientific study of butterflies and moths; well not quite, I'm only at the amateur stage; identifying. Taking pictures helps to answer that first field question: What kind is that? It's a childlike wonder as I watch a butterfly fluttering or be very quiet as I sneak up to watch it. Some have seen the yellow butterfly pictured in Oak Canyon, and few have seen the white butterfly pictured here in the Grand Canyon at Shoshone Point.

Here's what I learned:

This is a Western Tiger Swallowtail. Not much else, but the name, and that right now is all I wanted to know. This one was taken at Oak Creek Canyon, we stopped there on our way home from Phoenix

This is a Pontia sisymbrii; aka, Spring White. Pretty is what I call it.

Now to identify the catepillar and different looking bee I saw....

1 comment:

New Beginnings said...

You take such beautiful pictures Nancy not just with your eyes but with your heart as well