Friday, February 29, 2008


A taste of Spring as it reaches to 67 degrees today. I know those in Florida would be putting jackets on. This morning when I walked out my door it was in the 20's. I wore my jean jacket and gloves, it felt good. Saw a herd of deer as I walked to Mike's work to meet him for breakfast. More then 10 does and 2 bucks. More of a harem if you ask me, but they were pretty just the same. If we get up early enough (we usually do) we might see other types - hopefully big horn sheep by the El Tovar. To be continued...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no, no jacket here in South Florida. Cool, but, comfortable. I only wear one as I work in cooler at night at 41 degree's, but, feels like home to me, and I don't have a problem.
I miss that from up north watching Nature be able to run and here, we just watch the cars fly and police chasing them. (LOL)