Friday, May 28, 2010


As my ex used to say; another useless nut. Referring to the buckeye, that is what I am becoming.

First word that comes to mind: GREEN! Next words: poison ivy, ahhh. Had to go to the hospital as it became horribly infected. So I am healing. When I look out back, there is no light polution, new word: pastural.

I saw my first lightening bug last night. A single irrididecent floating. It brought a smile to my face.


Brenda said...

I remember catching lightning bugs and putting them in a jar, so I could watch the lights at night. I always thought of them being tiny fairies, dancing in the evening! Oh and I did let them go after I watched them in the jar..

Anonymous said...

Lightning bugs are awesome! I would chase them around my yard when I was younger.

CeeGee said...

Write something.