Monday, July 02, 2007

August 21st 2007

This is the new starting day at the Grand Canyon for my sister and I. Moves it up a bit.


Anonymous said...

Congradualations!!!. AT LEAST YOUR GETTING OUT OF FLORIDA!!!! Must be beautiful there.

MJ said...

and how do you feel about that? And what are you looking forward to the most? Is it a bit uncertain or exciting to be starting fresh in such a faraway place?? You could be a bit more forthcoming with the info!! Love ya, MJ

Anonymous said...

Me! IM proud of you, it's a new start, it's a new world. Who, knows, God open the door for you to go there, I hear it is breath taking.

Anonymous said...

Hey! to add, to bad, you couldn't move the party to South Florida before you leave.