Friday, October 17, 2008

Going Hiking?

I was asked as I left work already changed into 3 light layers for the top, one for pants, shoes, hiking pole, hat and backpack with items.

"No I think I'll go shopping." I replied shashaying around.

Then I met Carissa on the trail head and we started meandering down after visiting with Valerie for a little while. Went past the first tunnel, got half way to the second when I inclined for us to head back up. I was hesitant on going that far (which isn't far at all) because of the steep climb back; when Carissa showed me a tool that will be invaluable for the rest of my life. Pace. Slow as it was it was constant, almost to a stop at some point, but not. The body kept propelling upward, momentum forward, slow; but even.

I'm not dreading the next trip down; as I know how I'll handle the long, steep trail up; a slow continuous pace.


Anonymous said...

sounds like fun and glad to hear your doing so well, IM considering taking the big leap myself. Glad your over lunch I was watching your blog.

Love ya

CeeGee said...

One step at a time; slow and focused. That is true about life encounters too! Thanks for "looking" me up ;o)

CeeGee said...

Good to see you blogging again. And happy to know you've found me on mine. Enjoy your life and take it one day at a time...

MJ said...

Sounds awesome.. so tell us.. what other paths and walks is your life taking? Love ya lots.. MJ

MJ said...

Sounds great! So what other paths has your life taken lately? We all love you and care about you. I don't want anymore wierd dreams!! Love ya, MJ

Anonymous said...

Are you still hiking?