Wednesday, April 11, 2007


ahhhh! Bless your heart...
6 wierd things, well let me see about that. That you might not know! (that might be tricky)

1. I prefer to watch PBS, documentarys, and such rather then the 'normal' tv shows.
2. I consider a great museum to be a sanctuary, a place of worship, to learn, listen to my spirit.
3. Susan says I'm analytical, I pick everything apart - especially myself.
4. I collect feathers (I have to find them so don't bring me any)
5. I collect gay boyfriends.
and last but not least...
6. I like to eat Jiff peanut butter on my bananas.



Most of you know I've been holed up in my cave writing a story. I'll continue, but tonight has been filled with welcome interruptions. I was asked recently by a new friend if I've ever met people who I felt I've known for a long time. My reply was "a lot". I consider myself fortunate to have those come into my life that add another link through time. Especially when they come at a time which seems trying due to the everyday day to day gristmill; they're a breath of fresh air reminding me of my own choices in handling of these passages. Seasons? Maybe, then it's those that have been forever in my life like MJ, Terri, and Dori that will call or email just to keep me in focus.